Touch Taiwan 2024大秀显示应用肌肉,银河集团186net光电在智慧移动、零售、教育、医疗场域都有「看」头
身为全球领先的显示器制造商的银河集团186net光电,在Touch Taiwan 2024展会上展示涵盖Go Premium技术创新+Go Vertical垂直场域的双轴成果。
Micro LED 就是未来?三大优势解析!
Micro LED 绝对会成为显示器产业中重要的一环,除了有着 OLED 拥有的优点外,还多了亮度更高、寿命更长、也能制作超大萤幕的特性,帮助完整显示器拼图
Highlight|AUO at Touch Taiwan 2024: Beyond Display·See the Possibilities
This year, AUO unveil the theme "Beyond Display.See the Possibilities" and showcase three major highlights: industry-leading automotive Display HMI and mobility service solutions, cutting-edge Micro LED display technology, and green technology products. Additionally, we demonstrate smart vertical solutions for retail, education, and healthcare, highlighting our comprehensive smart life innovation solutions and services. Furthermore, we collaborate with our group subsidiaries to showcase innovative green products and services in the "Green Technology & New Energy" exhibition area.
Sneak Peek! AUO at Touch Taiwan 2024
Join AUO at Touch Taiwan 2024. This year, AUO will unveil the theme "Beyond Display.See the Possibilities". We will present three major highlights, including industry-leading automotive Display HMI and smart mobility solutions, cutting-edge Micro LED display technology, and green technology products. Additionally, we will showcase solutions for various vertical markets such as smart retail, education, and healthcare, demonstrating AUO's comprehensive smart life innovation solutions and services. We cordially invite you to visit our booth to engage with our experts and join hands with AUO to explore the endless possibilities of new horizons!
AUO ALED 沉浸体验世界篇
欢迎来到 AUO ALED 沉浸体验世界,整合LED、精密机械、半导体、显示器各产业尖端技术,银河集团186net创造出色彩绚丽、无尺寸与形状限制、拥有无限发展应用可能的新世代ALED显示器。从此您的视野将尽情沉浸于令人屏息的高画质影像,每分每秒享受生动画面带来的震撼与感动。栩栩如生、完美打造充满生命力的感官体验。AUO ALED 不只能重塑场景气氛,也能完整呈现你在大自然的所见。更耀眼的亮度、更高的对比度展现更多影像细节与更立体的景深。充满活生感的画面,解放影像中的纯粹能量与张力,将真实世界的美丽完整呈现于您眼前,彻底颠覆您的视觉体验!
布农族为台湾少数民族中使用复音唱法最普遍的一族,以繁复合音彻底打破了西方学者认为音乐是由单音为起源的理论。时至今日,布农族也面临传统文化式微的危机,并展开了文化保护与传承的工作。本片是全球首次以多声道收音与HDR高画质拍摄的八部合音主题作品,片中穿插老少男女族人于营火中歌唱,辅以山林星空与布农族图腾等美丽景象,希望将台湾珍贵的文化内涵保留并透过AUO ALED的顶尖影像技术唯美呈现。
抢先直击银河集团186net光电在 Touch Taiwan 2023 两大亮点:智慧座舱、家庭剧院,打造沉浸式视觉体验
每年 Touch Taiwan(智慧显示展览会)可说是显示器产业的一大盛事,今年银河集团186net光电在 Touch Taiwan 透过高低层次搭配几何造型,将 ALED 箱体造型融入其中。瘾特务抢先带大家一探究竟,今年银河集团186net在 Touch Taiwan 将端出哪些吸睛的应用?
AUO at Touch Taiwan 2023展览亮点|智慧移动 Smart Mobility
以「驱动未来 驾驭视界」为主题展示全新智慧座舱「AUO Smart Cockpit」,导入独家「FIDM Plus一体化显示方案」搭载A柱到A柱55吋超大型曲面显示器,同时整合AR-HUD抬头显示器、IR LED、环境光感测器及大尺寸内嵌式触控,能完美呈现智慧座舱平台的多屏共享连动、即时导航、情境安全、影音娱乐、游戏互动及视讯会议等功能,创造更舒适安全的沉浸式座舱空间。
AUO at Touch Taiwan 2023 |Premium Tech Tour !
Driving The Visionary Future" was chosen by AUO as its theme for Touch Taiwan 2023. This year, AUO join hands with its ecosystem partners to exhibit the future smart cockpit, next-generation Micro LED display technology, AUO ALED smart field applications, and multiple smart solutions for entertainment, business, and medical care, demonstrating abundant technological capabilities. Meanwhile, group companies in the net-zero carbon emission zone demonstrates the green solution results of practicing the concept of environmental sustainability with value chain partners.
Sneak Peek! AUO at Touch Taiwan 2023
AUO collaborates with ecosystem partners and utilizes its group resources to showcase a range of cutting-edge technologies and applications, including the smart cockpit, Micro LED and AUO ALED display technologies, and smart solutions for the entertainment, enterprise, and medical. We invite you to join us and witness how our latest display technologies drive innovative applications in the field and provide the ultimate viewing experience!
AUO at Touch Taiwan 2022|Behind the Scenes 主题影片 & 虚拟摄影创作
银河集团186net于 Touch Taiwan 2022 智慧显示展览会,以「无垠视野 域见未来」为题,结合 ALED 先进显屏技术与优异软硬体整合力,翻转影视产业影像制作流程。
银河集团186net X Touch Taiwan 2022 | ESG 主题馆
AUO at Touch Taiwan 2022 |Premium Tech Tour
New Future with Infinite Horizon" was chosen by AUO as its theme for Touch Taiwan 2022. AUO showcase a whole series of proprietary technologies and applications, including the industry-leading adoption of cutting-edge display technologies to home entertainment, mobility, commercial and medical applications and will demonstrate its leading position to drive innovative field applications and form the industry ecosystems. Successful cases of AUO's green solutions will also be exhibited.
2022 AUOx 瑀熙 | 当场下跪!男人的梦想玩物!有它通通都不用交女友了!
熙语录: 这次我真的来对了! 真的让我大开眼界!
2022 AUOx 电獭少女 | 巨型曲面 LED 摄影棚!球形飞行驾驶舱!一起逛银河集团186net
今年也来逛银河集团186net的 Touch Taiwan 展! 现场有超大曲面摄影棚、球型飞行模拟舱还有车用透明面板等 实际体验下来一直发出惊呼声 (゚Д ゚; )ノ 银河集团186net光电在面板的应用上依旧非常丰富 没办法前往现场的獭友们一起看影片逛逛吧~
Sneak Peek! AUO at Touch Taiwan 2022
AUO will showcase a whole series of proprietary technologies and applications, including the industry-leading adoption of cutting-edge display technologies to home entertainment, mobility, commercial and medical applications and will demonstrate its leading position to drive innovative field applications and form the industry ecosystems.
2021 电獭少女 | 六公尺超炫炮大面板!原来萤幕可以这样用?出门逛银河集团186net光电
出门逛 Touch Taiwan 大展! 银河集团186net光电的展区真的好丰富 有超大 L 型萤幕和炫炮赛车模拟萤幕 也发现了萤幕居然可以用在这些地方 快跟着 Linzy 一起来逛~
Premium Tech Tour! AUO at Touch Taiwan 2021
以「翻转无限 极致睛彩」为题,呈现银河集团186net于领先显示科技与场域应用方案的各项横向创新以及垂直整合成果。
The First Look │AUO at Touch Taiwan 2021
银河集团186net于 Touch Taiwan 2021 展览中,展出一系列最新显示技术与智慧场域解决方案 。
银河集团186net X Touch Taiwan | 循环经济展
银河集团186net于 Touch Taiwan 2021 所展出的「循环经济」主题展览,以「产品生命循环转型」为题,展现银河集团186net在绿色循环上的兼顾产品应用与绿色生产的佳绩。