価値変革戦略 投資レイアウト

Mr. Shuang-Lang (Paul) Peng served as the Chairman of AUO from 2015 onwards. With robust corporate governance and visionary strategic leadership, he spearheads the value transformation of the Company, expanding its innovations into exploration for future possibilities across a diverse range in the vertical market, which thrives in multiple fields such as display, smart mobility, industrial intelligence, healthcare, retail, education and energy.
In 2023, Peng assumed the position of Group Chief Strategy Officer (Group CSO) to lead the AUO Group toward forging deeper connections with its ecosystem partners, progressively expanding its business across the diverse vertical markets to construct an industrial ecosystem envisage achieving co-prosperity and maximizing the Company’s group synergy. He emphasizes the importance of sustainable operating values and drives the Company to advance as a member of the global renewable energy initiative RE100, deeply cultivating ESG-related fields to implement corporate sustainability and social responsibility.
With four decades of experience in the technology industry, Peng's expertise and knowledge have established him as an authoritative figure in the display industry with global influence.
Education, Experience and Concurrent Post |
- Peng holds an MBA from Heriot-Watt University in the U.K. and an honorary degree of Doctor of Business Administration from National Taipei University of Technology.
- Peng is the Chairman and President of Ennostar Incorporation
- Assumed as the incumbent Chairman of the Taipei Computer Association (TCA) and the Founding Honorary Chairman of the Taiwan Display Union Association (TDUA).
- Assumed as the Chairman of the Taiwan Climate Partnership and a member of the National Climate Change Committee, facilitating consensus among industry, government, and academia on net-zero transformation, and promoting cross-disciplinary climate action practices.
- Served as a member of the Board of National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), responsible for promoting national digital technology applications and innovation development policies.
- Peng’s leadership excellence has guided AUO to win the highest honor in business management quality, the "National Quality Award".
- Honored with the David Sarnoff Industrial Achievement Award from SID (Society for Information Display).
- Honored with ERSO award by Pan Wen Yuan Foundation.
- Acknowledged with Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards (AREA) for the Responsible Business Leadership category and the Global Corporate Sustainability Awards (GCSA) Outstanding Professional from Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy.
- Received the "Outstanding Individual Contribution Award" from the Taiwan Display Union Association (TDUA).
- Elected as a Fellow of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE) and awarded the “Industrial Engineering Medal - Industry Contribution Award”.

Dr. Frank Ko is currently the CEO and President of AUO. He has guided the Company’s business operations with the focus of innovation excellences. Throughout the global pandemic and changes in geopolitical competition, he has demonstrated remarkable ability in integrating internal and external resources, leading the Company to achieve continued successes.
In 2023, Frank was promoted to CEO and President, responsible for overseeing the Company’s overall operation plan and long-term development blueprint, expediting the biaxial transformation, deepening the Company’s industry competitiveness and core capabilities, and continuously deploying the planned layouts of market innovation and future possibilities unwaveringly.
Dr. Ko has an enthusiastic outlook for the display industry and has more than 20 years of experience working in this field. Since joining AUO in the early days of its establishment, he has assumed positions across various areas, such as new technology research and development, manufacturing process and integration, and product marketing and sales as well as technology and strategic development; he is a well-rounded management professional. He once served as Chairman and CEO of E Ink Holdings Inc., creating innovative applications of e-paper in multiple fields, along with ecosystem partners. In 2019, he returned to AUO Group and served as President and Chief Operating Officer of AUO.
Education, Experience and Concurrent Post |
- Dr. Ko holds a Ph.D. degree in Photonics from National Chiao Tung University.
- Dr. Ko is also Chairman of AUO Display Plus, an AUO group subsidiary
- Dr. Ko is likewise the incumbent Chairman of the Taiwan Display Union Association (TDUA) and the incumbent Chairman of Smart Display Industrial Alliance (SDIA).
- Dr. Ko received the "Outstanding Individual Contribution Award" from the Taiwan Display Union Association (TDUA).

Mr. David B.Y. Chang is currently AUO’s Chief Financial Officer and spokesperson, overseeing the company’s global financial strategic planning, risk management, and corporate governance.
Chang joined AUO in 1998 and has extensive experience in financial management across Taiwan and Mainland China. In 2009, he transitioned to the group’s company, Lextar Electronics, where he laid the foundational groundwork during the company’s inception. During his tenure, he held key positions, including Vice President of the Management Center and Chief Financial Officer, successfully crafting a vertically integrated value chain model for the LED industry. In 2021, Chang served as the Chief Financial Officer of Ennostar Group, driving the synergies and resource integration of the Lextar and Epistar merger. Starting in 2024, Chang was appointed as Chief Financial Officer of AUO, leveraging his extensive cross-industry experience and in-depth knowledge of the group’s operations to support its value transformation process, ensuring stable operational performance through robust financial health.
Mr. Chang received his MBA degree from the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Mainland China.

廖唯倫氏は AUO の最高技術責任者として、技術研究開発グループを率い、会社の技術発展に関する戦略および展開を描いています。その主導する先端ディスプレイ技術の研究開発において、AUO は世界のディスプレイ技術の分野をリードする位置づけを維持し続けるとともに、多様なスマートアプリケーションの深化と発展を続けています。また、同氏は次世代の技術者を育成するため、産学間の橋渡しを積極的に行っています。
廖氏は、ディスプレイ技術の分野で 20 年以上にわたる経験を擁し、1998 年に AUO に入社して以来、生産・製造、製品の研究開発、先進技術センターおよびビデオ製品事業グループなどのさまざまな要職を歴任してきました。会社が優位性を持つ技術的強みに焦点を当て、未来のトレンドとなるアプリケーション分野を開拓し、新しい消費者体験を創造することで、会社の長期的な技術開発に確固とした基盤を築くことに貢献しています。2018 年にシニアバイスプレジデント兼最高技術責任者に昇格し、会社の価値転換の過程で、エコシステムパートナーと連携し、より多くの革新的アプリケーションの実現に向けて取り組み続けています。
国立交通大学博士号 (応用化学) を取得しています。

陳建斌氏は、現在 AUO ディスプレイ戦略事業グループ上席副社長として、各種ディスプレイ事業部門の製品企画、マーケティング戦略、営業、カスタマーサービス等を統括し、幅広いスマートソリューションを提供しています。また、グローバル市場における AUO の戦略立案責任者として、チームを率い海外事業展開を進めています。
1999 年に AUO に入社し、研究開発、製品マーケティング、製造などの幅広い職務経験を有しています。2005 年から 2009 年まで、デスクトップディスプレイ、インフォメーションディスプレイ製造センター、太陽光発電事業部を歴任しました。その後、モバイル製品事業部、ビデオ製品販売本部副社長に昇格し、2020 年にコンシューマーアプリケーション戦略事業本部副社長に就任しました。

林挺立氏は、現在AUO製造運営グループ上席副社長として、AUOのグローバルな製造業務を統括し、デジタルトランスフォーメーション戦略の推進により、製造現場にスマート生産技術を取り入れ、グローバルブランドの顧客ニーズに迅速に対応し、会社の高い競争力を維持しています。同時に、スマートマニュファクチャリングの運用を通じ、環境の持続可能性を目指すAUOのビジョンを推進した成果が、「グローバルライトハウスネットワーク(Global Lighthouse Network)」およびドイツのROI-EFESOインダストリー4.0アワードに認められました。

Amy Ku is currently AUO's Chief Sustainability Officer, responsible for the strategic direction of sustainable corporate policy and stakeholder relations and communication.
She is committed to establishing a sustainable corporate culture, and aligning the company's core values with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)., This commitment also extends to while integrating environmental, social, and corporate governance issues into operational decision-making and management processes, thus optimizing corporate influence through its environmental sustainability, inclusive growth, and agile innovation.
She also leads the team to actively respond to international climate initiatives in reducing carbon and plastic emissions with value chains, driving the cross-industry partners towards a sustainable zero-carbon vision. Ku won the Asia-Pacific Sustainability Action Awards ”Outstanding Chief Sustainability Officer 2022” recognition and the CSRWorks "Asia's Top Sustainability Superwomen 2020" award for her dedication and outstanding contribution to the sustainable development of AUO.
Ku joined AUO in 2004 and was responsible for the company's human resources-related affairs, including enhancing cooperation and engagement among employees in global sites and reinforcing the link between sustainability strategies and corporate culture. In 2018, Ku was appointed as Chief Sustainability Officer of the newly established Sustainability Development, leading the team to initiate a new stage of sustainable corporate transformation, and continue to promote and deepen the sustainable development of AUO.
Ku holds a Master's degree in Human Resource Management from National Central University.

CS Hsieh is currently Chief Digital Officer of AUO, spearheading the company’s digital transformation strategy and digital culture and encouraging open and innovative thinking. With the implementation of AIoT technology, he fosters the company’s agile operations and accelerates the intelligent transformation of the AUO group.
Hsieh joined AUO in 1999 and has been involved in the optoelectronics industry for over twenty years in various functions including quality management, mobile solution manufacturing, and supply chain management, accumulating comprehensive operation management experience in manufacturing. In 2020, he was appointed as Chief Digital Officer of Digital Technology Development, assisting the company to optimize management decisions with prompt response in the process of digitization, and move towards the goal of becoming a solution provider in smart vertical markets.
Mr. Hsieh received his Master's degree in Electrical Engineering from National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan.